Soul Fest 2023 “Keep On Keeping On!”

In a lovely pocket of sunshine, gentle breezes and natural inclinations the first “Soul Fest 2023” was an experience we are still having! In this kick-off year the banner call was “Keep On Keeping On!” with a focus on honoring legacy and tradition through the lens of preservation and reverence.

It was indeed a pleasure for Chef Tarsha to present a talk and workshop on the preservation of herbs and spices and customizing one’s own seasoning blends. In usual form, Chef advocated for the benefit of growing your own kitchen garden sustainably with a nod to the utilization of recycled materials as planting containers — i.e. water bottles, toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls. Attendees of the Soul Fest were invited to take home their own “mobile greenhouse” which they created by hand onsite. Organic seeds, soil and recycled containers were provided by ECOTONE World. An amazing day was had by all!