Seeds for Exotic Tastes!

We’ve had several requests for Jamaican Callaloo by folks visiting the garden and relishing in some of the unexpected fruit and vegetable finds. Interestingly enough, in our research we learned that Callaloo is the same as Chinese Spinach and also known as Amaranth and then we found it!

Wanting to make sure we got the “Jamaican kind” (smile) we went on a hunt that led us to the East Coast and a seed swapping partnership with Urban Fresh Gardens. Now we have seeds and we’re willing to share! Currently supply is limited, but the seeds are super small and we don’t mind rationing them out. We’ll plant in our community garden with the intention to harvest our own seed from this point forward.

If you’re interested in a few seeds to get you started, send us an email and let’s plan to get them to you while supplies last! In the meantime, Happy Gardening,”One Love..” and Callaloo greens in your pot. It all sounds good to us!

Enjoy the recipe for your nourishing harvest below — Bon Appetit!


We’d like to offer you this link to route you to another site chocked full of Jamaican food, food facts and most importantly for this post, lays out a good looking recipe for Callaloo. [Click the link below:]