Sidewalk Container Garden Displays “The Functional Art of Food Security”– and It Tastes Great Too!

In our second planting season: the Sidewalk Container Garden Project, stationed outside of the Community Artists’ Collective “CAC” Gallery, has offered valuable information. Utilization of the pedestrian agricultural effort has had a tangible effect on the immediate need for food security in the urban habitat.

Without signage or explanation, we planted vegetable seeds along the sidewalk to study the habits and inclination of the pedestrian public walking by. Would they stop and admire the gradual change in visual aesthetics as the garden grew and matured to a harvest? Would they pick and eat the fresh veggies? And, who are the “they” we’re learning from?

Walking past the CAC Gallery offers an opportunity for passers-by to peer inside for an inspiring visual admittance to any featured exhibit without actually going inside the gallery. With the addition of our Sidewalk Container Garden Project, we’ve extended that “art intake” outside and made it real, alive and impacting to all of the senses. Not only does a casual stroll avail itself to an ever evolving seed journey, but also as plants mature their vibrant textures layer one’s view and fresh aromas fill the air.

There is no better art appreciation experience than that which follows the satisfying burst of a cherry tomato popping on the palette. Wow, was this amazing flavor cultivated in this small space — this container? The brain contemplates as the casual passerby pops the next tomato treat in their mouth.

The garden has taken hold of those of us who tend to it, pedestrians both housed and un-housed and even those drivers stopped at the light. It actually is a “garden” and it actually does produce and is meeting a need! We are all the “they” who have been impacted by this project.

This season we’ve been more mindful to plant veggies that can be harvested quickly for a “grab and go” experience. We’ve planted various types of cherry and pear tomatoes, pickling cucumbers, green beans and tasty herbs like basil and mint for quick teas or fresh flavor enhancements.

The urban container garden has unveiled a therapeutic “plant ritual” that is being maintained and nurtured by CAC staffers, interns and us (the ECOTONE World team). We are all watering, weeding and organically fertilizing (composting spent coffee grounds and lunch scrapes–veggies only please) our small contribution to the larger issue of providing tangible solutions in urban communities! Bon Appetit!!!